IACSTE Accreditation
International Accreditation Commission for Systemic Therapy Education (IACSTE)
Created as a semi-autonomous body under the auspices of the International Family Therapy Association (IFTA), the International Accreditation Commission for Systemic Therapy Education (IACSTE) focuses on the development and implementation of quality standards for programs around the world that provide systemic therapy education and training. Both Tier 1 (Primary) and Tier 2 (Advanced) sets of standards were created to enhance the development of professionals who will be qualified to provide systemic therapy for individuals, couples, and families in the communities in which they live and work.
Standards Info on Tier 1 and Tier 2
Tier 1
Tier 1 Standards
Tier 1 Application
Tier 2
Tier 2 Information and Application
International Accreditation Commission for Systemic Therapy Education members:
Robert Stahmann, Ph.D., Chair
Lois Paff Bergen, Ph.D.
Manijeh Daneshpour, Ph.D.
Suzanne Hanna, Ph.D.
Ingeborg Haug, Ph.D.
John Lawless, Ph.D.